Monday, April 25, 2011


The Flickr account seems like a great way to share photos with larger groups.

Takes quite a while to upload the photos - perhaps I need to compress the photos? So now I've got photos on Flickr - here's one of Sea Lions - but how do I link to the whole Flickr page?

I feel fairly twitchy about posting any photos other than scenery as "public".

The Age of Persuasion - podcasts

I enjoy listening to radio programs but often catch only snippets as I drive.  It's very satisfying to be able to download the entire program and fill in the missing information.

One of my current favorites is CBC's The Age of Persuasion.  Listen to this interesting clip about Van Halen contracts requiring that all the brown M&M's be removed from the candy dish in the dressing room.

Holly Cole Coming to the Jazz Festival

Holly Cole is one of my all-time favorite jazz singers - I've seen her in concert just once and it was a magical evening.  Here she is singing Girl Talk.

 Hope you enjoy it.

Wikis for Work

Whew!  It's catch-up time for me for my 23 things.  I just completed Week 7 on Wikis. 

I can see Wikis being quite useful for longer-term projects with multiple people.  In my job, it would be useful for projects like the planning for the Collaborative Learning Lab, planning Phase III renovations.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Prezi - Oscar Peterson

Any presentations I do are usually centered around budgets - and I gauge the success by Q&A and by how few heads nod off as I speak.  I wonder - if I'd had Prezi as a tool, could I have made a dullish subject more interesting?  Doubtful.  So - click here Prezi on Oscar Peterson to see  my prezi on a more universally interesting topic.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Popular Culture - Dr. Who

I'm often way behind on popular culture - I discover great TV series in their third season and so on.

My latest discovery is Dr. Who.  Last summer a friend had to explain to me what  a Tardis is.  I listened and thought, scifi, not my cup of tea.  And then a different friend lent me the DVD of Dr. Who, the 9th series, starring Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper.  I laughed so hard I almost fell off my chair.  Now I'm ready to start into the 10th series, starring David Tennant.

Here's a promo clip for the 2007 Children in Need fund-raiser, showing a meeting of the 5th Doctor (played by Peter Davison) and the 10th Doctor (David Tennant).  Dr Who

Hope you find it as silly and fun as I do.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Shared documents on iGoogle

Now this looks like it could be really useful for projects.  I already collaborate on documents with others, storing them on o:, but this makes it just a little easier to share with selected individuals rather than setting up new directories and permissions.